Red Wolf Blue Wolf - off to a great start


Well-known member
Cold Spring, Kentucky
HAM Points
Revamped my modest arsenal lately, selling a couple & buying a couple. Latest is a used but well cared for Red Wolf HP in the midnight blue stock. She sure is pretty, could pass as new if it weren't for the aftermarket 580cc bottle.


Yesterday evening & early this morning were just about perfect for getting zero & dope for an air rifle, hot as Hades but little or no wind. Mounted a Midas Tac (I'm a big fan now) & got it "close enough" at 30 yards, then moved out to 85- the limit on my property. First 10:


Well that dog will hunt! Other matters needed tending to last night, so stopped there knowing I'd be hitting the 100 yard range this morning. First 5 at 100:


Walked it in toward the bull, then another 7 at 100 (wrote 10 on the target but that's wrong, still three left in the mag when I stopped for air):


Did some testing with other pellets I'd brought along, then finished up with another 7 from that tin of FX 25.4:


It's early, but pretty certain this is going to be the most accurate air rifle I've owned.

Other ramblings from today's events-

Brought four tins of pellets; three variants of the JSB Monster Redesigned and JTS Dead Center 25.4 grain.
The JTS did not do well at all. They're very clean & consistent in weight, but I'm 0 for 2 with them. The 45 grain shot ok in my Cricket 2 Tac, but not as good as either the 45 or 50 grain JSB. The 25.4 were all over out of the Red Wolf. They're a lot harder than the JSB pellets, & in lieu of any other explanation, I think that makes barrel fit more critical. Can see where, if head/skirt diameter is a perfect fit with a given barrel/choke, they could be lights out.
Best groups were turned in by the FX pellets. Have never found the rebranded JSB pellets to be better (nor have they been worse) over the course of multiple lots, despite the "single die for better consistency" claims. That said, I'm going to order more- that tin came with the rifle & is all I have. MRD are the inexplicably weird sibling of the JSB family of pellets, so who knows, maybe the FX rebranded ones really will prove to be better.
Two versions of the JSB; longskirt (0.092") & miniskirt (0.068"). The long skirted, deep cavity version seemed to be slightly better, though it was really close. Both threw an occasional flyer that I didn't see with the FX tin (the FX were deepskirts, 0.094"). Always low or high, never left or right. All shots were straight from the tin, so maybe weight sorting could help. Going to sort a tin & see what happens.

Fellow I bought the rifle from told me that the magic happens between 215 bar & 180 bar, and he spoke truth. The fantastic groups in the photos were all shot in that pressure range. Wouldn't go so far as to call it Jeckyll & Hyde- accuracy wasn't poor outside of that range, but groups were consistently larger & not just from a flyer. Not sure of the dynamics involved in causing the change.

Early returns indicate she likes to be clean. Doesn't fall off a cliff, but things do open up after ~100 or so shots.
Very gorgeous rifle Greg, a stunner. I remember my alpha wolf stock in person was amazing. I have been reading a lot of the same things about the JTS pellets, most guys who have great luck are shooting at 50 yards, it seems after 50 theyre falling apart. I think youre onto something with barrel fit as many of the others who aren't the biggest fan of them are saying the same thing.

Those are stellar looking groups. With time behind the rifle youll suck those tight groups into a single hole im sure!
Very gorgeous rifle Greg, a stunner. I remember my alpha wolf stock in person was amazing. I have been reading a lot of the same things about the JTS pellets, most guys who have great luck are shooting at 50 yards, it seems after 50 theyre falling apart. I think youre onto something with barrel fit as many of the others who aren't the biggest fan of them are saying the same thing.

Those are stellar looking groups. With time behind the rifle youll suck those tight groups into a single hole im sure!
Great .22 or .177 groups never look as impressive as same size center to center groups from .30 pellets, those big .30s blot out the space in between 😄! Was happy with them looking through the scope, but really happy after putting a ruler to them.

Consider it a good thing for JSB to have more competition, both for pricing & quality reasons. And I have to give JTS kudos for the consistency. That said, I really don't understand the decision to go with a much harder alloy. I guess to make them more damage resistant, particularly the skirts??? Maybe cheaper to produce (not familiar with alloy pricing)??? "Pretty" is nice, but doesn't go far with me. I wanna see the targets.
Have extensive experience reloading lead projectiles for revolvers back in the day. Definitely not a pure apples to apples comparison, but I do think some of the lessons learned have application in airguns. One of those lessons- use the softest lead you can get away with, it'll be more forgiving accuracy-wise. The gold standard for Bullseye competition was the hollow base wadcutter, made of extremely soft lead. Couldn't push them hard, but with mouse fart powder charges they were unbeatable, despite their rough look.

The pressure thing has me intrigued. Have seen the phenomenon before in regulated guns, but never this well defined. I'm sure it falls under that nebulous term "harmonics", but will have to dig deeper in order to expand that window. The barrel, while long, is definitely NOT a noodle. Maybe tensioning would help, not sure if there's any commercially available "system" for doing so on a Red Wolf HP. Relatively minor complaint; for accuracy that good I'll keep it between 215-180 & be happy.

Thanks to all for humoring my rambling posts. Putting the data & my thoughts together in a cohesive post is like trying to herd cats. Mostly the "my thoughts" part.
The .30 cal groups absolutely do look pleasant from afar haha and up close . I got my little MOA measuring device from BT industries and love it because it just is what it is, can hold it up to the group and boom I know if its 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or 1 moa and hopefully not more than 1 moa haha
Sorted the few remaining longskirted pellets from the tin I've been using, along with a full tin from the same lot.
Left- 25.2 & 25.3 grains
Center- 25.4 through 25.6 grains
Right- 25.7 & 25.8 grains


Not too bad, all but 6 of ~215 within 1/2 grain. Don't think this explains the flyers, but will shoot some groups to compare. Well, just one of the 25.7-25.8!

Don't have a pellet gage in .22, so head size sorting will have to wait. Possible that the rifle was throwing the flyers of course, but the probability of it not happening at all with the one tin of FX branded seems low... shot a lot of pellets yesterday!
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I tried to post a response to something in this group yesterday, and it seems to have gotten lost in electron land. It included a pic of a Walther LGV. The post was rejected because someone or something thought is was spam or contained objectionable material. Has anyone seen it? I think I was trying to join "Sub 12 airgunners" Maybe a Member, not a group. DerekS
I've been really contemplating getting a Daystate to add to my collection these days. The Blue Redwolf in .22cal is at the top of my list. I haven't paid much attention until now, so I'm trying to learn as much as I can first. Great post!

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